Joint mobility refers to the ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion, which is influenced by the health of muscles and cartilage surrounding the joint. Stiff joints are prone to pain and injury, which can limit a person’s activity level. Improving your joint mobility can increase your comfort levels, reduce muscle tension and improve your overall fitness and physical performance.

A healthy range of movement is vital for all daily activities and athletic performance, as well as maintaining proper posture and avoiding injuries. Most exercise-related injuries stem from poor form and muscle imbalances, which can be corrected through a regular routine of joint-mobility exercises. Joints that move through a full range of motion allow the connecting muscles to contract and expand fully, which can enhance strength and power. It’s important to perform these routines to prevent and treat injuries, such as rotator cuff syndrome and tendinitis.

Stiff joints can restrict your movements, making it difficult to walk, run or even bend down without feeling discomfort. Stiffness can also make it more challenging to perform basic weightlifting exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, as well as push-ups and handstands. Fortunately, there are many ways to improve your joint mobility, such as incorporating dynamic stretching exercises into your daily routine and practicing good posture throughout the day.

During dynamic stretching, you’re actively moving your muscles through their full range of motion, unlike static stretches where you hold a position for extended periods of time. Static stretches are more effective for improving flexibility, but they don’t promote the full range of motion of your joints.

A regular stretching routine is essential for joint mobility because it increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons, which helps them resist force without becoming tight or stiff. Tight muscles can impede on your movements and lead to joint pain or injury, which is why it’s important to stretch regularly.

Joint-mobility drills are a great way to improve your range of motion and support your workouts. These drills use controlled movements to move your joints through their full range of motion, which can help improve neuromuscular control and proprioception. Examples of joint-mobility drills include hip circles, neck rotations and flexions, and wrist pliés and RAILs (progressive angular isometric loading).

Performing these mobility exercises on a consistent basis can help prevent and treat injuries, enhance your fitness level and improve your quality of life. But be sure to discuss your new routine with a doctor or orthopedic specialist before beginning any lifestyle changes.

In addition to stretching, incorporating a yoga or Pilates session into your weekly regimen can also help improve joint mobility. These exercises incorporate controlled breathing and moderate stretching to help increase flexibility, balance and joint function. In addition, proper hydration is vital for joint health. This is because water is a key ingredient in the fluid that lubricates your joints, which can decrease friction and prevent injuries. It is also important to seek massage therapy or foam rolling to break up knots in your muscles, which can affect your mobility and flexibility.